What's the dealio with Laura Kate Art anyway?

Hello, hello! I'm Laura, Laura Kate...I'm a city girl livin' in a Wisco world!

A long, long time ago, I went to school for art and graphic design. Right out of college, I landed the holy grail of jobs in my field at a Fortune 500 company. After grinding in corporate America for 10 years, things have finally chilled enough to allow me to give this etsy thing a shot. So here I am drawing, painting and creating my own artwork and doing what I love!

I work out of Madison, Wisconsin, land of the Badgers and Spotted Cow (it’s a beer, but they have actual cows here too lol). I have a huge family and a lady cat named Mr. B, yup, a girl! I bop around Wisco getting inspired by all things old and new, nature, color and pretty patterns too. And corniness. Lots of corniness.

I’ll continue to add more and more stuff, so please come on back to check it out! 

Or feel free to check out my etsy shop.